Monday, November 30, 2020

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Process

The Sex-Step Problem Solving Approach

Step 1: Define area(s) for improvement

Step 2: Identify all possible causes

Step 3: Develop an action plan

Step 4: Implement the plan

Step 5: Evaluate the outcome

Step 6: Standardize the process


Step 1: Define area(s) for improvement


Why is it that some students are chronically absent?


ü  Students do not take school rules seriously.

ü  Students have time management problems.


Why don’t students take the school rules seriously?


ü  Rules regarding attendance are not clearly communicated clearly.

ü  Rules regarding attendance are not consistently enforced by all teachers.


Why are the rules regarding attendance not clearly communicated?


ü  Rules regarding attendance are not clearly articulated at orientation.


 Why are rules regarding attendance not clearly communicated at orientation?


ü  There are many items that need to be communicated; it is assumed that students will always attend class.


Step 2: Identify all Possible Causes


Cause and Effect Table

Why is it that some student chronically absent?




Students do not take the rules seriously.

Students have time management problems.


Current situation

Rules regarding attendance are not clearly communicated.

Rules regarding attendance are not consistently enforced by all teachers.






Faculty needs additional training regarding rules, routines, and procedures.



Across the various grade levels the average number of disruptions in classes where rules and procedures were effectively implemented was 28 percentile points lower than the average number of disruptions in classes where that was not the case.

Robert Marzano




Step 3: Develop an Action Plan

When mounting an action plan, the subsequent questions need to be considered carefully.

ü  How many teachers are willing to participate in the action plan?

ü  How much time is required to implement the action plan?

ü  How much practical data is currently available?

ü  What school assets are available?


Plan:       An action plan is debated and the faculty pinpoints specific areas that need work:


1) the type of action required,

2) staff training on following rules, routines, and procedures,

3) costs and time-related to training

4) appoint staff members to review or develop absentee regulations and ensure the rules, routines, and procedures are followed.

Step 4: Implement the Plan


  Effect: Students miss too many classes.


The outcome for Program Improvement: Students miss fewer or no classes.



 Consider the following corrective actions to improve the outcome.


1)  Continue to train all faculty on the rules, routines, and procedures.


2)  Investigate the need for further action.


Step 5: Evaluate Outcome


If the outcome has not been met the CQI team has several options. Three recommended options are listed below.

 1)  Take corrective action and assess the result yet again.

 2)  Return to Step 1 and re-define area(s) for improvement.

 3)  Return to Step 3 to re-evaluate the action plan.


Step 6: Standardize the Process

If the action plan is working, incorporate changes into the school policies. It is important to understand that the CQI process does not end here since it is a recurring process.


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